We hear a lot about oestrogen, ADHD and perimenopause – but did you know progesterone is also really helpful to us as women with ADHD? 

Kate Moryoussef – ADHD coach and host of The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast  – and Adele Wimsett are joining together for this unique webinar to discuss the important role of progesterone alongside its better-known sister, oestrogen.

As an expert in this field, Adele will share brand-new information on the subject so this is an incredible opportunity for you to stay informed so you have the power to advocate for yourself and your wellbeing.

Progesterone may have negative connotations for you, and you may have suffered from some of the debilitating side effects of synthetic progestin – either through the Mirena coil or the contraceptive pill.

These experiences have given many neurodivergent women a negative view of progesterone and how it can impact our mood and mental health.

Progesterone and progestin are sometimes referred to as the same thing – but they're not. 

Progesterone is actually essential for a long and healthy life, while synthetic progestins – which are found in some contraceptives – trigger negative reactions in many neurodivergent women.

This FREE webinar will demystify the connection between progesterone and ADHD. You'll leave with a new understanding of your needs as a neurodivergent woman, with the knowledge and power to advocate for yourself should you need to.


We will cover: 

  • What is progesterone and why do we need it?

  • How progesterone can affect your ADHD traits – and medication

  • The difference between progesterone and the synthetic progestins found in some contraception

  • Progesterone sensitivity, PMDD and oestrogen kickback

  • What we know about progesterone and how it can support us

  • Your options for maintaining hormone balance with ADHD


Note: when you sign up for this free workshop your email address will be added to both Kate's and Adele's mailing lists.


Adele is a women’s health practitioner who supports women from menstruation to menopause.

Through online and in-person hormone clinics, she bridges science and woo-woo to help women harmonise their hormones.

Adele's tailored lifestyle interventions help women address hormone imbalances and explore HRT. She has a specialist interest in the connection between ADHD and hormones.


Adele Wimsett BSc (Hons)
Women’s Health Practitioner and Cyclical Living Guide

Read more about Adele

Kate is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity.

After seeing firsthand the effect of hormones and ADHD and noticing a massive disparity in medical awareness, knowledge and support in this area, Kate is passionate about helping women to empower themselves with up-to-date tools and information so they can improve their quality of life and enjoy it moving forwards.


Kate Moryoussef

Women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing Coach and podcast host

Read more about Kate