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An Evening with Sari Solden (pre-recorded interview)

Get access to this exclusive recorded interview with Sari Solden!

Watch as Kate and Sari discuss:

⭐ The importance of embracing and celebrating differences in the neurodivergent community, particularly for women.

⭐ Their personal experiences with ADHD and trauma.

⭐ The unique challenges of shame experienced by women with ADHD, and the need for radical acceptance to overcome self-hatred.

Sari also shares details of her personal and professional journey and what she has learned over the thirty-five years as a therapist for neurodivergent women with her emphasis on radical acceptance.

Join in the discussion surrounding the relaunch of her classic book, Journeys through ADDulthood and an exploration of her other pioneering books, Women with ADHD and a Radical Guide for Women.

PLUS get access to an exclusive PDF resource from Sari with excerpts of her book.