ADHD EFT/Tapping Session - Releasing Indecision, Procrastination and Self-Doubt

Master your Emotions with EFT

Do you often feel held back by self-doubt or indecision?

Are you desperate for more clarity and faith to help you make decisions and move forwards?

Are you ready to release old beliefs, stories, mindsets and energy to welcome a deeper level of trust in your inner wisdom?

Imagine having the tools to break free from these obstacles and embrace your full potential.

In this workshop, Kate Moryoussef delves into the transformative power of EFT for emotional release and self-doubt and guides you through practical tapping techniques to navigate your emotions and unleash inner wisdom.

Join Us to:

  • Challenge Limiting Beliefs: Break free from old belief systems that hold you back.

  • Embrace Self-Awareness: Gain insights into your thoughts and emotions to fuel personal growth.

  • Cultivate Self-Trust: Navigate self-doubt and uncertainty with confidence.

Don't miss this opportunity to tap into your true potential. 

£28.50 GBP

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